Kereta Api Indonesia Posts Rp1.69 Trillion Net Loss in 2020

PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) posted a net loss for the year attributable to the parent entity owners throughout 2020, amounting to Rp1.691 trillion. The previous year managed to score a profit of around Rp2.023 trillion.

Based on the financial reports published on Tuesday (30/3), the cause of the loss for the year was the company's low operating income of 31.14%, from Rp26.251 trillion to Rp18.074 trillion.

Also, KAI has to bear a foreign exchange difference of Rp13.389 billion or 1.874% higher than the previous year of only RpRp678 million, other losses of Rp600.895 billion from the last year, achieving other benefits of around RpRp29.100 billion.

Nevertheless, KAI succeeded in reducing revenue over the past year by around 14.12%, from Rp19.691 trillion to Rp.16.910 trillion.

KAI was also able to increase the number of assets over the past year by around 18.48% to Rp53.207 trillion from the previous year's Rp44.905 trillion. The details are liabilities amounting to IDR36.167 trillion and equity IDR17.039 trillion.

Meanwhile, cash and cash equivalents position at the end of the year reached Rp6.609 trillion or doubled the previous year's Rp3.866 trillion.

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