Bank of India Indonesia Eyes Rp1.3 Trillion from RIghts Issue

Jakarta - PT Bank of India Indonesia Tbk (BSWD) aims to raise funds from the planned IV limited public offering in the context of pre-emptive rights worth Rp1.38 trillion.

Based on the company's prospectus released on Tuesday (6/28), the company will use 80% of the proceeds from the rights issue IV to meet liquidity needs and 20% for credit expansion and purchasing securities.

The number of shares issued in the rights issue IV is 1.38 billion shares or 50% of the issued and fully paid-up capital after the rights issue IV.

The exercise price is Rp1,000 per share. The Bank of India (BOI), the main shareholder who owns 1.05 billion shares of the company, acquired 1.05 billion new shares.

The BOI stated that it has funds of Rp1 trillion to take part in the majority of its preemptive rights to buy new shares issued by the company in the rights issue IV.

Shareholders who do not exercise their rights according to their portion will be d

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