BCA Shares Traded in New Price After Stock Split Today

Jakarta - PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA) announced trading shares at new prices today (13/10).

Through a letter dated October 1, 2021, the Indonesia Stock Exchange approved the BBCA stock split with a ratio of 1:5.

Before the stock split, the number of shares was 24,655 billion units with a nominal value of Rp62.50. After implementing the stock split, it became 123.275 billion shares with a nominal value of Rp12.50.

The Government Regulation No. 29 of 1999 concerning the purchase of commercial bank shares rules, among other things that a bank may only be listed on the IDX for a maximum of 99%. Following the regulation, the total number of shares in the issued and fully paid-up capital of the company after the stock split, which is 123.275 billion shares, the number of shares that are not BCA listed 1.232 billion shares in the name of PT Dwimuria Investama Andalan.

The Head of Corporate Valuation Division 2 IDX Vera Florida said in the IDX ann

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