BI: Rupiah Exchange Rate World Most Stable Currency

Jakarta - Bank Indonesia (BI) stated that the performance of the rupiah exchange rate is one of the most stable currencies in the world in supporting economic growth and controlling inflation.

"We are committed to maintaining rupiah stability and encouraging net inflows to the domestic financial market. In addition to stabilizing the exchange rate, we have sufficient liquidity and are still able to keep the benchmark interest rate at 3.5% for the time being, "said Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo on Thursday (8/18).

Meanwhile, other BI monetary policies will also support economic growth to support stability, macroprudential, payment systems, money markets, MSMEs, and the Islamic financial economy.

Furthermore, BI is committed to keeping inflation under control so that people's incomes and purchasing power are not eroded. On the other hand, rising inflation will affect imported goods (imported inflation).

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