BI : Rupiah Depreciates 1.16% Against Dollar Mid April

Bank Indonesia (BI) assesses the movement of the rupiah exchange rate amidst global uncertainty is still high.

BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said rupiah in April 2021 (as of April 19) recorded a depreciation of 1.16% on average and 0.15% on a point-to-point basis compared to the level at the end of March 2021.

"The development of the rupiah exchange rate is in line with ongoing uncertainty in the financial market which has prevented the inflow of foreign portfolio investment to the domestic financial market," Perry said in Jakarta on Wednesday (21/4).

With this development, up to April 19, 2021, the rupiah recorded a depreciation of around 3.42% (YTD) compared to the level at the end of 2020, relatively lower than several other developing countries as Brazil, Turkey, and Thailand.

"Bank Indonesia continues to enhance the rupiah exchange rate stabilization policy in accordance with its fundamentals and the operation of market mechani

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