BI Sets Strategies to Face Uncertainties in Markets During Pandemic

Bank Indonesia (BI) is ready to face all the unexpected possibilities that will be faced, including the capital outflow that fled from Indonesia due to the Fed's interest rate increase.

Deputy Director of the Department of Economic and Monetary Policy (DKEM) BI, Riza Tyas Utami said that Bank Indonesia has learned from the US monetary taper tantrum action in 2013. Currently, she said, the central bank has prepared triple intervention to deal with unexpected economic shocks.

"Bank Indonesia is always in the market, not only in the spot market, but we have three tools. We have a spot, have an intervention in the domestic non-delivery forward (DNDF), and we also now have the Government Securities," she said in Jakarta on Friday (26/3).

The three moves, according to Riza, will be used while observing the latest financial market conditions. Not only that, but the Financial System Stability Committee (FSSC) has also expanded cooperation on bilateral trade transactions and direct investment or local currency settlement (LCS) with three countries.

"We also expand international cooperation. We now have SCS, not even with just one country, with Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, for China it is still in process," he explained.

In the future, Bank Indonesia will always be on alert to face all the bad possibilities in the economic sector.

"There will be conditions of minor turmoil in the short term, yes. But we have made preparations far back, even before Covid-19 starts," said Riza.

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