Bank Rakyat Cancels Rp15 Trillion Bond Sale Plan

Jakarta - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk announced the termination of the general issuance of sustainable bonds III plan worth Rp15 trillion.

"This step is based on the growth of third party funds that are projected to be able to support the fulfillment of short-term obligations as well as credit growth, as well as the results of additional capital by providing Pre-emptive Rights to increase the company's liquidity," said the Bank in the IDX information disclosure on Tuesday (2/11).

Previously, BRI planned to carry out the offering for sustainable bonds III with a target of raising funds to reach a total of Rp20 trillion.

However, the realization of the funds raised through sustainable bonds III phase I in 2019 was Rp5 trillion.

"The remaining of the sustainable bonds III program that are not  issued worth Rp15 trillion," said the statement.

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