Bank Rakyat Increases Capital of Bank Raya Rp999.99 Billion

Jakarta - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk increased the capital of PT Bank Raya Indonesia Tbk worth Rp999.99 billion.

"Thus, the company's ownership in Bank Raya will be 85.72%, and the public will be reduced to 14.27%," said BRI Secretary Aestika Oryza Gunarto in information disclosure in Jakarta on Thursday (16/12).

He explained that this capital increase was to strengthen Bank Raya's capital to support the transformation of its business into a digital bank.

"BRI does not only provide capital support, but also develops Bank Raya's business. Furthermore, as the controlling shareholder, BRI has implemented integrated governance at Bank Raya," she said.

The company has also obtained permission from the BRI Board of Commissioners and the Financial Services Authority to increase capital at Bank Raya.

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