Bumi Serpong Bags Pre-sales 87% of 2021 Target in January - September

Jakarta - PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE) managed to book 87% of its pre-sales target in the first nine months of 2021.

Director of Bumi Serpong Damai Hermawan Wijaya said that until the end of September 2021, the company could book a total of Rp6.1 trillion or grow 29% compared to last year's Rp4.7 trillion.

"The great interest, demand and consumer confidence in the property products offered are the catalysts for sales growth. We also appreciate the government's policies that have provided various stimulus in the property sector, so that the property sector will recover," he said in information disclosure on the IDX on Thursday (21/10).

According to Hermawan, the residential segment is the largest contributor to pre-sales, contributing 69% or Rp. 4.2 trillion of the total pre-sales. The commercial segment, including commercial lots, strata-titles (apartments), and shophouses, reached Rp1.5 trillion, representing a contribution of 25%

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