IDX Suspends DEFI Shares

Jakarta - The Indonesia Stock Exchange has temporarily suspended the trading of PT Danasupra Erapacific Tbk (DEFI) shares since the first trading session on Thursday, January 6, 2022.

The IDX made the suspension concerning the Financial Services Authority (OJK) letter addressed to company No. S-411/NB.2/2021 regarding the freezing of business activities on December 31, 2021. According to the obtained information, PT Danasupra Erapacific Tbk was subject to sanctions for freezing business activities.

"Based on this, the Exchange has temporarily suspended trading of DEFI securities in all markets since the first session of securities trading on Thursday, January 6, 2022, until further exchange announcements are made," said Goklas Tambunan, Head of Corporate Valuation Division III through information disclosure on Thursday (6/1).

The Exchange asks interested parties to always pay attention to the disclosure of information submitted by the com

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