Centratama Plans to Acquire Epid

Jakarta - PT Centratama Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (CENT) plans to buy 999 shares owned by Epid Menara HoldCo (EMH) in PT Epid Menara AssetCo (Epid) and PT Centratama Menara Indonesia (CMI) will buy 1 share owned by Epid Holdings in Epid.

Based on information disclosure on Thursday (20/1), the entire share takeover represents 100% of the issued and fully paid capital in Epid, with a transaction value of US$35.85 million.

Meanwhile, Epid's shareholders are 99.99% EMH and 0.01% Epid Holdings. Meanwhile, CMI is the company's business entity with 99.99% share ownership.

In addition, CMI will invest in the target company by depositing and taking part in several new shares issued by the target company, representing approximately 99.32% of the issued and paid-up capital of the target company. The investment value is US$350 million, or Rp5.01 trillion.

Meanwhile, the total value of the planned transaction reaches Rp5.046 trillion. This amoun

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