Centratama Telekomunikasi Obtains US$850 Million Syndicated Loan from Banks

Jakarta - PT Centratama Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (CENT) Group obtained a syndicated loan facility from several banks with a maximum amount of US$850 million.

On March 16, 2022, the Group received US$675 million in facility funds. This syndicated loan has a coupon of 2.25-3.25% plus JIBOR, with a tenor of 60 months.

The Group will use approximately US$675 million in credit funds to fund the acquisition of new shares in PT Epid Menara AssetCo, with the remaining US$175 million used for general business purposes.

"Obtaining this loan facility will have an impact on the company's financial condition because this new facility has a lower interest rate and a longer-term up to 2027," Centratama President Director Yan Raymond Jafri said in a news release on Thursday (3/17).

This syndicated loan comes from CIMB Bank Berhad, DBS Bank Ltd, ING Bank NV Singapore Branch, Natixis Singapore Branch, Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation Limite

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