Deli Pratama to Own 49.56% of Perdana Karya Shares

Jakarta - PT Deli Pratama Batubara plans to conduct a mandatory tender offer of a maximum of 302.61 million shares owned by the public shareholder of PT Perdana Karya Perkasa Tbk (PKPK) or about 50.44% of all issued and fully paid shares.

The company's prospectus released on Monday (18/10) showed that the offer price is Rp73 per share, so the total value of the mandatory tender offer is Rp22.09 billion.

Deli Pratama has sufficient funds to carry out the mandatory tender offer and is sourced from a shareholder loan, PT Deli Pratama Nusantara.

In the framework of this mandatory tender offer, Deli Pratama appointed PT CGS CIMB Sekuritas Indonesia to carry out the corporate action.

The implementation schedule is that the tender offer period is  October 17 - October 19, 2021, and the completion date is November 29, 2021.

After the takeover becomes effective, Deli Pratama owns 297.383 million shares or 49.56% of all PKPK shares.

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