Nusa Konstruksi Eyes Revenue of Rp1 Trillion in 2022

Jakarta - PT Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring Tbk (DGIK) in 2022 is targeting revenue to reach Rp1 trillion.

"This achievement is planned to increase by more than 300% compared to this year's revenue, which is around Rp345 billion–Rp350 billion," said DGIK President Director Budi Susilo in a statement in Jakarta on Wednesday (29/12).

This optimism, according to Budi due to support from  DGIK's expansion plan to re-enter infrastructure projects which are dominated by government projects.

This year, DGIK focuses more on internal improvements and the COVID-19 pandemic factor,  as there have been many delays in Indonesia's infrastructure projects.

"For government projects, DGIK will continue to work on projects obtained from 2019 and 2020, such as the construction of the Mulawarman University building, Syamsudinnoor Airport in Banjarmasin, road construction and work on a number of coast guards in Sumatra and Ja

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