Fersindo Nusaperkasa and AirAsia Aviation Sell 3% Shares in CMPP

Jakarta - PT AirAsia Indonesia Tbk (CMPP) announced that PT Fersindo Nusaperkasa and AirAsia Aviation Limited had released 320.625 million shares, or 3% of their total shares, to third parties.

"This share release was carried out through a negotiated market on January 17, 2022," said AirAsia Director Indah Permatasari Saugi in the company's information disclosure submitted to the Indonesia Stock Exchange on Tuesday (18/1).

Following the transaction, AirAsia's shareholders as of January 14, 2022, were AirAsia Investment Ltd at 46.25%, PT Fersindo Nusaperkasa at 46.16%, and the public at 7.59%.

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