Garuda to Accelerate Performance Recovery

Jakarta - PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk projects a faster performance recovery in line with the approval of the peace plan by the Panel of Judges at the Central Jakarta District Court on June  27, 2022.

The approval was based on the majority support from creditors based on the voting agenda, which took place on Friday (6/17).

Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, Deputy Minister of SOE II, hopes that the approval of the Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations peace plan by creditors will serve as the foundation for accelerating Garuda's performance to continue to be adaptive and agile in carrying out its restructuring steps.

"With a leaner operational cost basis as well as the support and trust of all stakeholders, especially creditors, we hope to be able to continue to encourage Garuda to optimize its business revival efforts with measurable recovery targets," he said in a written statement in Jakarta, Tuesday (6/28).

According to Kartika, the

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