Global Dinamika Takes over 51.85% Shares of Nusantara Konstruksi

Jakarta - PT Global Dinamika Kencana reported the takeover of 2.873 billion shares or 51.85% of the total issued and paid-up capital in PT Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring Tbk (DGIK) on October 6, 2021.

The shares belong to DGIK shareholders, namely PT Lintas Kebayoran Kota with 1.890 billion shares, PT Locationndo Aditama 420.975 million shares, PT Rezki Segitiga Emas 516.523 million shares, and PT Multidaya Hutama Indokarunia 44,891 million shares.

The purchase price is Rp80 per share, so the total takeover value is Rp229.847 billion.

"The purpose of the acquisition is to develop business and strengthen the company's business business in the construction services sector," said the official publication of Global Dynamics on Thursday (7/10).

After the takeover, the company is the new controller of DGIK. The company also has no affiliation with DGIK.

The company also does not sign any agreement with any party, including plans,

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