Gudang Garam Net Profit Falls 29.7% YoY to Rp7.67 Trillion in 2020

PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM) throughout 2020 posted a profit attributable to the parent entity owner amounting to Rp7.67 trillion, down 29.71% from the previous year of Rp10.88 trillion.

In the financial statements published on Wednesday (31/3), the cause of the low-profit achievement was the high exchange loss of around 91.78% from Rp20.175 billion to Rp38.69 billion, and other income also decreased by around 14.02% to Rp281.55 billion from Rp327.43 billion.

Also, the cost of goods sold jumped 10.65% to Rp97.08 trillion from Rp87.74 trillion.

However, the company managed to increase its revenue rate by 3.57% to Rp114.47 trillion from Rp110.52 trillion.

Meanwhile, the company's total assets by the end of 2020 reached Rp78.191 trillion, in detail, liabilities amounting to Rp19.668 trillion and equity Rp58.522 trillion.

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