IDX Sees IPO Prospects in 2021

The Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX)  authority is optimistic about the prospect of an initial public offering or IPO in the remaining nine months of this year, in line with the total IPO funds that will grow in the quarter of this year.

Director of Corporate Valuation I Gede Nyoman Yetna said that the total IPO funds increased 11% to Rp3 trillion when compared to the same period last year.

In terms of the number of pipelines, it grew 120% compared to the same period last year.

"This illustrates the amount of trust and optimism of entrepreneurs in Indonesia for economic recovery and also for the Indonesian capital market in 2021," he explained.

Recorded until March 30, 2021, there are 11 new listed companies on the IDX, and there are still 22 companies in the IDX share listing pipeline, with at least two companies expected to be listed soon.

The pipeline details by sector are, two companies from the energy sector, three companies from the raw goods sector, two companies from the industrial sector,
two companies from the primary consumer goods sector,
six companies from the non-primary consumer goods sector, three companies from the property and real estate sector, three companies from the technology sector, and one company from the infrastructure sector.

Based on the size of the asset scale, as regulated in POJK 53 of 2019, the share listing pipeline can be categorized, namely seven small-scale asset companies (assets below Rp50 billion), ten medium-scale asset companies (assets between Rp50 billion to Rp250 billion), and five large-scale asset companies (assets above Rp250 billion). 

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