Inalum Plans to Reduce Government Share Capital

Jakarta - PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum plans to reduce the government's share capital.

Quoted in the company's publication on Tuesday (26/10), the plan has been approved in principle by Inalum's shareholders based on a letter from the Minister of SOEs as the GMS Number SR-662/MBU/09/2021 dated September 7 021 jo. Letter of the Minister of SOEs as the GMS No. S-809/MBU/10/2021 dated October 22, 2021.

The government's share capital reduction will be carried out by the return of the shares included in the government's additional state capital investment into Inalum's share capital to the government.

The company's directors will follow up the plan to reduce Inalum's capital under applicable laws and regulations.

The capital reduction plan has been notified to all Inalum creditors.

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