Indonesia Trade Surplus of US$1.57 Billion in March

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the goods trade balance in March this year was a surplus of US$1.57 billion.

Head of BPS Suhariyanto said the surplus in March was better than last year's surplus of US$0.72 billion in March.

"This surplus comes from the non-oil and gas sector at US$2.94 billion. Meanwhile, in the oil and gas sector there was a deficit of US$1.37 billion," said Suhariyanto in an official statement, Thursday (15/4).

Cumulatively, the goods trade balance for the January-March 2021 period was a surplus of US$5.52 billion.

Indonesia's export value in March 2021 reached US$ 18.35 billion, an increase of 30.47% compared to the same month last year. The increase was supported by export growth in the agricultural sector of around 27.06% to US$390 million (YoY), processing industry 22.27% or to US$14.48 billion, mining and others 13.68% or US$2.22 billion, and oil and gas 5.28% to US$910 million.

Cumulatively, Indonesia's export value from January to March 2021 reached US$48.90 billion, an increase of 17.11% (YoY) compared to the same period last year.

According to the province of origin, Indonesia's largest exports in January-March 2021 came from West Java with a value of US$8.14 billion (16.65%), followed by East Java with US$5.22 billion (10.68%) and Riau with US$4.44 billion (9.07%).

Meanwhile, Indonesia's import value in March 2021 reached US$16.79 billion or grew 25.73% compared to March 2020 (YoY).

According to the category of use of goods, the value of imports from January to March 2021 against the same period the previous year saw an increase in consumer goods of US$516.0 million (14.62%), raw materials of US$3,024.9 million (10.16%), and capital goods of US$672.2 million (11.47%).

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