Integra Indocabinet Plans to Sell Rp375 Billion Bonds, Rp225 Billion Sukuk

PT Integra Indocabinet Tbk plans to issue sustainable bonds phase I in 2021 of a maximum of Rp375 billion and sukuk mudharabah I phase I in 2021 of Rp225 billion.

Based on the brief prospectus published on Friday (5/2), the bonds and sukuk mudharabah phase I in 2021 are part of the continuous public offering of bonds and sukuk mudharabah I with a target of obtaining funds of 700 billion and Rp300 billion, respectively.

The company offers the bond  I phase I in two series, namely A series with a 370-day tenor and  B series with a 3-year tenor. Sukuk Mudharabah I Phase I also has two series.

The company has received a rating for bonds and sukuk mudharabah from Pefindo, namely 'A-' and A- (sy). '

The underwriters for the issuance of bonds and sukuk mudharabah are entrusted to the Regional Heads of Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia and BRI Danareksa Sekuritas, with the trustee of BRI (Persero) Tbk.

Meanwhile, the company set the schedule dates for the initial offer on 8-18 February 2021, the expected effective date on February 26, 2021, the public offering period on  March 2-3 2021, the allotment on March 4, 2021, listing on the IDX on March 8, 2021.

The company plans to use proceeds from the bond and sukuk sale around 96% to refinance and the rest for its working capital.

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