JaSuKa Cable Repair Completed, Telkom Internet Back to Normal

Jakarta - The repair of the submarine cable communication system or SKKL JaSuKa (Java-Sumatra-Kalimantan) owned by PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk was completed earlier than the initial target time.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of Telkom, Pujo Pramono, said that TLKM's JaSuKa (Java-Sumatra-Kalimantan) submarine cable communication system has recovered and is back to normal operation as usual.

"Alhamdulillah, currently the Jasuka submarine cable has recovered and is serving telecommunication traffic normally so that customers can experience the best digital experience from various TelkomGroup services," he said in his statement on Wednesday (6/10).

Previously, the company revealed that all TelkomGroup services, both fixed broadband, including IndiHome and Telkomsel's mobile broadband, had returned to normal. In addition, the Jasuka cable system has been restored since Monday (5/10) at 05.30 WIB.

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