KAI Offers Bonds with 7.10-8% Coupons

Jakarta - PT Kereta Api Indonesia offers a coupon for bonds I phase I 2022 ranging from 7.10-8%.

Based on the company's prospectus issued on Monday (8/1), the number of phase I bonds issued is a maximum of Rp1.5 trillion from the targeted fund acquisition of Rp2.2 trillion.

In this first stage, there are two series offered,  Series A, worth Rp634 billion with a coupon of 7.10% for a 5-year term, and Series B, worth Rp866 billion with an 8% coupon and a tenor of 7 years.

The proceeds from the public offering of bonds will be used in the amount of Rp1 trillion to pay off the bonds debt, and the rest will be used for the development of railway transportation in Southern Sumatra in the form of rail infrastructure.

Along with the issuance of bonds, KAI also issued a sustainable sukuk ijarah I phase I 2022 worth Rp500 billion from the target of obtaining funds of around Rp800 billion, which were issued in two series.

The proceeds

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