Rupiah Seen Weaken Against Dollar on Rising US Treasury Yields

The rupiah exchange rate movement on Thursday (15/4) will still be related to the direction of US treasury yields and is estimated to be in the range of 14,580-14,630 per US dollar.

Money Market Observer Ariston Tjendra said US yields rose again after Governor Jerome Powell's statement, which opened the possibility of reducing bond purchases by the Fed before raising the benchmark interest rate if there was progress in achieving the Fed's targets, namely full employment, and inflation.

"Yield is in the range of 1.64%. Previously at 1.61%. This increase in yield could trigger a weakening of the rupiah against the US dollar," he said in Jakarta.

On the other hand, Indonesia's economic data shows that Indonesia's economic recovery is still on hold. This could be the reason why the direction of rupiah strengthening is unclear.

Today, Indonesia's trade balance data for March will be released. If the surplus exceeds the projected US$1.5 billion, the positive sentiment may contain rupiah depreciation.

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