Krakatau Steel Exports Product to Malaysia

Early 2021, PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk made its first steel export to Malaysia on Monday (1/2).

The steel products are Hot Rolled Coil (HRC), Hot Rolled Plate (HRP), and Hot Rolled Pickled Oil (HRPO), which are exported through the port of PT Krakatau Bandar Samudera, Cilegon, Banten.

"Export shipments in January 2021 increased to 31,766.18 tons compared to January 2020 which only amounted to 830.97 tons. It is a good start for improving sales performance in 2021," explained KS President Director Silmy Karim in a press release, Monday (1/2).

In 2021, it is estimated that Krakatau Steel can increase sales volume by up to 2,040,000 tons with an export target of 155,000 tons or an increase of 17.20% compared to 2020, Silmy added.

In 2020, Krakatau Steel recorded an export sales volume of 128,341.9 tons or around 12% of the total 2020 sales volume, which reached 1,603,732 tons. Apart from Malaysia, Krakatau Steel will also export to Australia and Europe for Italy and Spain with different product specifications. Krakatau Steel exports HRP for Australia, while HRC is exported for Italy and Spain.

The majority of Krakatau Steel's products are used for the General Structure and Pipe & Tube segments in the destination countries.

"The management of Krakatau Steel has taken advantage of the pandemic as an opportunity to enter the export market which is currently open. This opportunity is due to problems in the world steel market supply chain, "he added.

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