MPPA Net Loss Widens to Rp109 Billion in 1st Quarter

Jakarta - PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (MPPA) suffered a net loss of Rp109.16 billion in the first quarter of this year, despite recording a 9.2% increase in sales of Rp1.69 trillion, compared to Rp1.546 trillion in the same period last year.

"The increase in MPPA sales was supported by an increase in sales of comparable stores of around 5.2%," said MPPA President Director Adrian Suherman through information disclosure on Tuesday (10/5).

He added that MPPA's market share continued to grow and reached 26.2% in the first three months of the year, from last year's 24.7% in the supermarket and hypermarket market sectors.

However, MPPA still bears the loss for the current period attributable to owners of Rp109,164 billion, an increase of 30.41% from Rp83,702 billion.

One of the causes of the high loss was the doubling of selling expenses to Rp80,356 billion from Rp47,797 billion.

Meanwhile, total assets were at Rp4.739 tr

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