Merdeka Copper Gold Plans to Sell Rp1.5 Trillion Bonds

Jakarta - PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk (MDKA) plans to issue sustainable bonds II phase II in 2021 worth Rp1.5 trillion with a coupon of 5% and a term of 367 days.

The short prospectus published Thursday (4/11), this bond is part of the ongoing public offering II with a target of raising funds to reach Rp3 trillion.

PT Bumi Suksesindo uses approximately 27% of the proceeds from the issuance of this sustainable bond for the payment of a portion of the principal debt arising under the US$100 million facility agreement and 73% for the company's/business entity's working capital.

To issue this bond, MDKA has obtained a rating from Pefindo, namely A.

The company appointed PT Indo Premier Sekuritas, PT Sinarmas Sekuritas, and PT Sucor Sekuritas as the implementing guarantors for the bond issuance, and the trustee was PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk.

The company obtained the effective date on March 19, 2021, with the implementation sched

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