Multi Artha Plans Mandatory Tender Offers 82 Millions of PANI Shares

Jakarta - PT Multi Artha Pratama (MAP) plans to conduct a mandatory tender offer of 82 million shares or representing 20% ​​of all issued and paid-up shares in PT Pratama Abadi Nusa Industri Tbk.

Referring to the company's brief prospectus published on Tuesday (30/11), the purchase price of Pratama Abadi's shares is Rp255 per share, bringing the total share purchase price to Rp20.910 billion.

MAP, as the new controller of Pratama Abadi appointed Buana Capital Sekuritas as the securities company that carried out the transaction.

MAP and Pratama Abadi have signed a share purchase agreement dated October 6, 2021, whereby MAP agreed to buy 328 million shares at Rp165 per share. The sale and purchase transaction was completed on October 7, 2021.

MAP is a company engaged in real estate, with 50% shareholders being PT Agung Sedayu and 50% PT Tunas Mekar Jaya.

Pratama Abadi is a company engaged in the industrial sector with busin

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