OJK Revokes Business Permits of Dian Mandiri, Swadharma Nusantara

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has revoked the business licenses of financing companies PT Dian Mandiri Multifinance and PT Swadharma Nusantara as of February 22, 2021.

The revocation of Dian Mandiri's business license is under the Board of Commissioners' decision of the Financial Services Authority Number KEP-8 / D.05 / 2021, dated February 22, 2021. PT Dian Mandiri is located at Graha Dian Building, Jalan Raya Panjang Number 2A, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.

The revocation of PT Swadharma Nusantara's business license is based on the decision of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority Number KEP-9 / D.05 / 2021, dated February 22, 2021. The company is located at Komplek Ruko Ciledug Mas, Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto Blok C Number 17-18, Karang Tengah, Ciledug , City of Tangerang.

With the revocation of the business license, the two companies are prohibited from carrying out business activities in finance companies and are obliged to settle their rights and obligations under the prevailing laws and regulations.

Following the provisions of Article 112 POJK Number 47 / POJK.05 / 2020 concerning Business Licensing and Institutional Financing Companies, companies whose business licenses have been revoked are prohibited from using the words finance, financing, and/or words that characterize sharia financing or institutional activities, in the name of the company.

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