Adhi Karya Operating Revenue Falls 28.64% in First Quarter

PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk, in the first three months of 2021, posted operating revenues of Rp2.11 trillion or a decrease of 28.64% from the same period the previous year, Rp3.06 trillion.

ADHI's financial report published on Monday (3/5), the low achievement of operating income made the current year's profit attributable to the owners of the parent company drop by 26.27% from Rp9.14 billion to Rp6.74 billion.

The stagnation in ADHI's profit growth was also triggered by other expenses, which reached Rp 5.80 billion during the first quarter of this year. Last year, it managed to earn another income of Rp5.07 billion in the same period.

Meanwhile, ADHI's total assets as of the first quarter of this year reached Rp37.54 trillion, with year-end cash and cash equivalents recorded at Rp786.33 billion, down 32.74% from Rp1.16 trillion.

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