PPA Posts Revenue of Rp1.7 Trillion in Jan-Sep

Jakarta - PT Perusahaan Pengelola Asset posted operating revenues in the first nine months of this year of Rp1.695 trillion, up 4.24% from the same period last year, Rp1.626 trillion.

In the financial report released on Tuesday (2/11), PPA revealed the interest income grew almost three times or from Rp3.165 billion to Rp9.742 billion.

PPA also increased the fair value of investment properties by around 71.79% to Rp9.373 billion from Rp5.456 billion. The joint venture profit share more than doubled to Rp50.476 billion from Rp21.548 billion.

In addition, PPA received an income tax benefit of Rp1,339 billion from expenses of Rp1,595 billion.

However, PPA's operating expenses increased by around 8.5% to Rp1.684 trillion from Rp1.552 trillion.

Profit for the year shrunk by around 61.19% to Rp16,316 billion from Rp42,044 billion.

Until the period ending September 2021, it was Rp17.823 trillion, with liabilities of Rp8.106 tri

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