PPA Completes Bank Muamalat's Low Quality Asset Management

Jakarta - PT Perusahaan Pengelola Asset has completed the management of low-quality assets of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk, which was marked by signing an asset management cooperation agreement and strengthening Bank Muamalat's capital structure.

This low-quality asset settlement scheme is expected to be a solution for the banking industry.

President Director of PT PPA Yadi Jaya Ruchandi said the signing of the asset management cooperation agreement and strengthening the capital structure of Bank Muamalat was a milestone for PT PPA in supporting the Indonesian Islamic banking industry.

"Thank you to all stakeholders who have supported the implementation of this series of transactions. The management of Bank Muamalat's low-quality assets is part of our commitment to carry out the banking NPL management business pillar, which is part of PT PPA's 3 Business Pillars in order to become a National Asset Management Company (NAMCO)," Yad

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