RISE Plans Private Placement Rp358.2 Billion

Jakarta - PT Jaya Sukses Makmur Sentosa Tbk (RISE) plans to increase its capital without Pre-emptive Rights as much as 995 million shares with an exercise price of Rp360 per share.

The estimated funds raised through this private placement plan are Rp358.2 billion.

"With the implementation of this private placement, the total issued and paid-up capital of the company which was originally 9.95 million shares will become 10.94 billion shares," RISE Corporate Secretary Go Herliani Prayogo said in the IDX information disclosure on Thursday (21/10).

The implementation schedule is : the announcement of the private placement plan on October 19, 2021. The implementation of the private placement on October 29, 2021.The announcement of the results of the private placement on November 1, 2021.

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