Telkomsel, Telkomsel Mitra Innovation Set Up New JV Company

Jakarta - Subsidiaries of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (TLKM), PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) and PT Telkomsel Mitra Innovation (TMI) have established a new company called PT Telkomsel Ekosistem Digital (TED).

Telkom's Strategic Portfolio Director Budi Setyawan Wijaya said the paid-up capital in TED was Rp197 billion. TED was established on December 28, 2021.

In addition, Telkomsel transferred the joint venture contract to TED. The joint venture contract value is planned at US$20 million, of which TED's portion is approximately US$11 million.

"This transfer is in order to strengthen competence and capability in the vertical gaming business, especially AAA games," he said in information disclosure on Friday (31/12).

The transaction is an affiliated transaction because Telkomsel is a business entity with 65% ownership by PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Meanwhile, TMI is a business entity of Telkomsel with 99% share

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