Bahana TCW: Trade Surplus Strengthens Economy, Confidence of Foreign Investors

Jakarta - Chief Economist of Bahana TCW Investment Management Budi Hikmat, said Indonesia's trade balance surplus could boost the economy and foreign investors' confidence.

"We have experienced this trade surplus for the last 17 months in a row, which is also the longest record since 2011," said Budi through a press release on Monday (25/10).

He continued, the soaring trade balance surplus based on the increase in prices of Indonesia's leading commodities is a gift that should not be wasted, either by the government or business actors related to commodity exports.

"This is a very good momentum to spur re-industrialization, especially in the mining sector to strengthen the country's competitiveness, government finances and spur job opportunities," he added.

The achievement of the trade balance surplus became a positive catalyst for the strengthening of the rupiah amid the strengthening trend of the US dollar

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