Transkon Jaya to Expand Vehicle Rental in the Palm Oil Sector

Jakarta - A company engaged in the transportation sector, PT Transkon Jaya Tbk (TRJA), will expand the rental of light vehicles to the oil palm plantation industry sector.

Transkon Jaya Corporate Secretary Alexander Syauta said the company continues to try to penetrate the market in the field of crude palm oil (CPO) or palm oil plantations, considering that the leading commodities in East Kalimantan are CPO and coal.

"We hope to implement it this year because it is part of the company's mitigation plan," he said in a statement released on Wednesday (2/3).

Meanwhile, the managing director of Transkon Jaya, Lexi R. Rompas, said that the company is expanding in the Eastern Indonesia region.

"We opened a representative office in Makassar, South Sulawesi, at the start of the year, particularly this month. Human resources for Makassar are currently being trained in Balikpapan, and when they arrive, they will be returned to their posts," he explained.

Furthermore, the Makassar branch office will cover the areas of North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, and Southeast Sulawesi and is planned to be expanded to Sangihe Island.

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