Trimegah Karya Posts Revenue of Rp592 Billion in Jan-Sep 2021

Jakarta - PT Trimegah Karya Pratama Tbk (UVCR) in nine months ended  September period posted revenues of Rp592.84 billion, supported by an increase in distribution networks.

"This achievement also contributed to an increase in net profit to Rp. 4.90 billion, which was originally a loss of Rp3.99 billion," said Ultra Voucher President Director Hady Kuswanto in a statement on Thursday (28/10).

According to Hady, the increase in revenue was supported by growth in four UVCR distribution channels, namely the rise in the number of corporate B2B customers, resellers, application users, and customers in e-commerce.

"In detail, e-commerce channels provide the largest contribution, which is Rp. 254 billion or 42% of total revenue. B2B distribution channels contribute around 24%, while reseller channels are 11.5% and mobile apps are 21.4%.

Furthermore, this positive achievement is the result of Ultra Voucher's efforts to

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