Waskita Karya, Sarana Multi Makes Share Swap Deal

Jakarta - PT Waskita Karya Tbk and PT Sarana Multi Infrastructure conducted a share swap transaction.

The details are that Waskita took over 4.501% or 752,475 shares of PT Waskita Toll Road (WTR) from SMI. The value of this transaction is Rp1.140 trillion.

Based on Waskita Karya's information disclosure on Tuesday (7/5), the company purchased WTR shares through the conversion of share ownership in PT Cimanggis Cibitung Tollways (CCT).

Then, SMI bought 44 million CCT shares, or the equivalent of 55%, with a transaction value of Rp339 billion.

The transfer of WTR's receivables to SMI for the CCT shareholder loan facility agreement totaling Rp1.426 trillion followed the settlement of the payment mechanism for the two transactions.

After the transaction's payment has been made, SMI still owes WTR Rp801 billion for the receivables that were transferred. This claim is being settled through a debt settlement between the two part

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