Waskita Karya Obtains Rp8.1 Trillion Syndicated Loan Facility from 4 SOE Banks

Jakarta - PT Waskita Karya Tbk obtained a syndicated facility with a principal amount of up to Rp8.07 trillion from PT Bank Mandiri Tbk, PT Bank Negara Indonesia  Tbk, and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk.

"This loan facility is revolving transactional provided by syndicated creditors for the company," Waskita Director of Finance and Risk Management Taufik Hendra Kusuma said in a statement on Thursday (28/10).

Waskita Karya obtained the loan facility with government guarantees in implementing the national economic recovery program.

This working capital loan guarantee facility has a sub-limit of non-cash loans in the form of letters of credit worth Rp6.26 trillion and supplier financing up to Rp6.26 trillion.

"The purpose of using this loan as working capital, including to pay off non-ash loans and supplier financing which is the limit of credit facilities for project implementation within the National Economic Recovery program,

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