WIKA to Sell Rp2.5 Trillion Bonds, Sukuk

Jakarta - PT Wijaya Karya Tbk (WIKA) plans to issue the first phase of debt securities in 2022 worth Rp2.5 trillion.

The company's prospectus, which was issued on Tuesday (10/4), consists of sustainable bonds with a principal amount of Rp2 trillion and sukuk mudharabah III of Rp500 billion.

The target for raising funds for sustainable bonds III and sustainable sukuk mudharabah III is Rp4 trillion and Rp1 trillion, respectively.

WIKA will use the bond proceeds of around Rp1.5 trillion to pay off part of its short-term debt and the rest for working capital. Meanwhile, the proceeds from the mudharabah sukuk are entirely for working capital.

In the first phase, the bonds were offered in three series, with a tenor of three, five, and seven years respectively. The same series is also issued for mudharabah sukuk.

To issue bonds and sukuk mudharabah, WIKA received ratings from Pefindo, A and A(sy).

The company entrust underwrit

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