WIKA Adds Capital Injection to Wika Realty Rp1 Trillion

Jakarta - PT Wijaya Karya Tbk made an additional capital injection to PT Wijaya Karya Realty (WR) worth Rp1 trillion thru a debt-to-equity swap scheme.

According to WIKA's Corporate Secretary Mahendra Vijaya, the planned transaction begins with the company providing funds for investment purposes to WR. As of April 30, 2021, WR has a shareholder loan and interest to WIKA of Rp4,507 trillion.

"However, it was recognized as a debt by the company amounting to Rp3.954 trillion as payable in the debt recognition agreement dated December 30, 2021," said Mahendra in an information disclosure Wednesday (5/1).

However, the nominal amount based on the debt acknowledgment agreement agreed upon by the company and WR is Rp1 trillion, with the share price being the nominal share price of WR of Rp100 per share.

The plan has been approved in a shareholder decision outside the WR meeting on December 31, 2021.

Thus, WIKA's share owner

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