Astra Sedaya Offers Rp900 Billion Bonds with 4-6.50% Coupons

Jakarta - PT Astra Sedaya Finance has set the coupon for sustainable bonds V phase IV 2022 at around 4-6.50%.

The company's brief prospectus published on Thursday (8/11) stated that the bonds issued in phase IV amounted to Rp900 billion, which is part of the target fund collected in the sustainable bonds V program to reach Rp10 trillion.

The company offers the Phase IV bonds in three series: series A worth Rp520 billion with a 4% coupon and a tenor of 370 days, series B worth Rp373 billion with a coupon of 6.35% and a tenor of 36 months, and series C worth Rp7 billion with a 6.50% coupon and a tenor of 60 months.

The Astra Sedaya bonds have obtained a rating from Pefindo, 'AAA'.

The underwriters for the issuance of securities are entrusted to Indopremier Sekuritas, Maybank Sekuritas Indonesia, and Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia. The trustee is BRI.

Meanwhile, the public offering period will take place on August 23–24,

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