BI: Indonesia Foreign Debt Structure Remains Healthy

Bank Indonesia reported Indonesia's foreign debt at US $ 416.6 billion in November. The amount consists of public sector external debt (Government and Central Bank) amounting to US $ 206.5 billion and private sector external debt (including BUMN ) at US $ 210.1 billion. 

BI Communication Executive Director Erwin Haryono said Indonesia's foreign debt structure remains healthy, supported by the implementation of prudential principles in its management. "The ratio of Indonesia's external debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at the end of November 2020 was 39.1%, relatively stable compared to the ratio in the previous month of 38.8%," Erwin said in Jakarta, on Friday (15/1). 

Meanwhile, the healthy structure of Indonesia's foreign debt was reflected in the large share of long-term external debt, which reached 89.3% of total foreign debt. 

"In order to maintain a healthy external debt structure, Bank Indonesia and the Government will continue to strengthen coordination in monitoring the development of external debt, supported by the application of the principle of prudence in its management. The role of external debt will also continue to be optimized in supporting development financing and promoting national economic recovery, by minimizing risks that can affect economic stability, "he explained. 

Currently, the Government's foreign debt has increased compared to the previous month. The position of Government external debt at the end of November 2020 grew 2.5% (YoY) to US $ 203.7 billion, higher than the growth in October 2020 of 0.3% (YoY). 

This development is influenced by maintained investor confidence, which encourages foreign capital inflows in the Government Bond (SBN) market, as well as the withdrawal of some foreign loan commitments to support the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program.

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