Global Dinamika Kencana Plans Mandatory Tender Offer 1.2 Billion Shares of Nusa Konstruksi

Jakarta - PT Global Dinamika Kencana (GDK) plans to conduct a mandatory tender offer of 1.16 billion shares owned by the public shareholder of PT Nusa Konstruksi Engineering Tbk (DGIK).

A brief prospectus published on Thursday (9/12)  stated the offering price is Rp80 per share. Thus, the total value of the mandatory tender offer is Rp93.15 billion.

Several DGIK shareholders have stated that they will not participate in taking part in the mandatory tender offer that will be carried out by GDK, with details of OCBC Sec Pte Ltd S/A Hudson River Group Pte Ltd as 579,958,200 shareholders, PT Limex Indonesia as many shareholders as 296,651,000, PT Dirgantara Yudha Artha has 8,662,700 shareholders.

Furthermore, PT Kapitalindo Sejahtera Mandiri has 252,530,100 shareholders. PT Indodexa Wira Buana has 75,000,000 shareholders. PT Permata Buana International has 75,000,000 shareholders, Dudung Purwadi 150,000,000 (one hundred and fifty million) shareholders.

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