Rupiah May Weaken to Dollar on US Fed's Tapering Decision

Jakarta - The rupiah exchange rate on Thursday (4/11) is likely to be corrected due to the Fed's decision to taper in November, amounting to US$15 billion.

"This tapering decision has pushed up the yield of US government bonds. The 10-year tenor yield has returned to the 1.60% area. The US dollar has the potential to strengthen against other exchange rates," said Money Market Observer Ariston Tjendra in Jakarta.

According to Ariston, this tapering is the first step to increase the US benchmark interest rate, where the Fed will still monitor the US employment situation in the future, which has not yet fully recovered to raise the interest rate.

"So then the US labor data could be the main driver of the US dollar exchange rate," he said.

The potential for a weakening of the rupiah exchange rate to the range of 14,330 per US dollar with potential support in the range of 14,280 per US dollar.

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