IDX Sanctions 3 Companies for Late Reports

Jakarta - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia gave the first written warning sanction to PT Mandala Mutifinance Tbk (MFIN), PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF), and PT BPD Jawa Tengah for being late in submitting a report regarding the readiness of funds for securities settlement.

The acting Head of the Service and Development Division of Listed Company IDX, Dinnoor Aisyah, announced the imposition of the sanction through an information disclosure on Monday (12/12).

Meanwhile, the securities that will be MFIN are continuous bonds phase IV 2019 series B, IIF sustainable bonds phase I 2019 series B, and subordinated bonds I 2015.

Based on provision IV.2.11. Stock Exchange Regulation No. I-E, the deadline for submitting a report regarding the readiness of funds for securities redemption is no later than 15 days before the securities mature.

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